A place to create and learn, connect and belong

On behalf of the staff and governors may we extend a very warm welcome to you and your family to Adderley Nursery School. We offer a beautiful learning environment which is a warm, welcoming and exciting place for children and parents. 

This is a Birmingham Local Authority Maintained Nursery School offering the highest quality early education to children aged two to four years of age. It is staffed by qualified teachers, nursery nurses and support staff, many of whom have obtained additional qualifications.

Adderley Nursery School opened in 1970 and has a long history of being valued and supported by the local community. Our partnership with other settings and work with parents and families are a particular feature and strength of the school.

Our child is a citizen with rights which are promoted through caring respectful relationships.

Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility at Adderley Nursery School. We work in an integrated way with partners to keep children safe and offer early help services to our families.

In April 2023 Ofsted rated us outstanding for the third time :

Children love
attending Adderley Nursery School. Children enter school with smiles on
their faces and settle down to activities quickly. The strong values are brought alive in
what the school provides. It is a school that helps children to be courageous, creative, respectful, valued and very well educated individuals.

The purpose of the website is to provide you with general information about Adderley Nursery School. We hope you find everything you need and find it helpful in preparing your family before your child starts with us.

We look forward to meeting you and sharing with you the ethos and vision that make Adderley such a unique place to be.

Yours sincerely,

Nicky Hinchliff
 Head Teacher


Adderley Children’s Centre

1 St Saviour's Road,
B8 1HN
Headteacher - Nicola Hinchliff
Senior Office Manager - Julie White

Opening Hours

8:30am - 3:30pm Monday to Friday

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 464 4183
Email: enquiry@addleyn.bham.sch.uk

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