Most core experiences are offered every day, with a few offered less frequently. Each core experience promotes learning across all seven areas in the Early Years Foundation Stage. This enables children to learn through repeated experiences which can be differentiated to match and extend their development, all the way from the earliest stages of EYFS to the ultimate Early Learning Goals.
Introducing children to literature and books
Emergent writing and book making
Block play
Malleable materials  
Outdoor play and gardening
Small-world play
Painting and colour mixing
Modelling and making with boxes and other materials, including woodwork
Music, movement and dance
Sand and water
Local trips and educational visits
A set of core books and rhymes 

Adderley Children’s Centre

1 St Saviour's Road,
B8 1HN
Headteacher - Nicola Hinchliff
Senior Office Manager - Julie White

Opening Hours

8:30am - 3:30pm Monday to Friday

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 464 4183

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