UNICEF Article 24
Health and Health services
Every child has the right to the best possible health.
At Nursery our children have access to drinking water and fruit at snack time. Children and parents have regular opportunities to learn about healthy foods and lifestyles through cooking, gardening, outdoor Nursery, forest school, weaning and oral health activities.
Health checks
Health checks are very important. They are an opportunity to check your child is developing. They are usually carried out by your health visitor either at your home, GP surgery, baby clinic or children's centre. These development checks are also a good opportunity for you to raise any concerns you might have. Your child's very first health check takes place shortly after they're born, and continue until they are 2 to 2 1⁄2 years old.
We work in partnership with parents to ensure the completion of the 2 year old developmental progress check when children start nursery.
The safest way to protect your child is to ensure your child is up to date with immunisations.
Your baby's vaccination and immunisation schedule
A guide to vaccinations from two years old until starting primary school
Pre-school 2019